Computers have had a great effect on modern society and have caused a great many changes in a short time. It is sometimes difficult to believe that computers first came into existence during the late 1930s, and that during this time, they were used mainly for scientific research in government and in universities.
Computer technology has developed very quickly and has greatly influenced modern life. In fact, by the 1970s computers were used for applications that were previously unthinkable. By the 1970s, computers were common not only in businesses, which found them very helpful for all kinds of office tasks, but also in many others places, including retail stores, supermarkets, schools and libraries. By the beginning of the 1980s computers could be found everywhere. In a gas stations, in cars, or in household appliances such as dishwashers or microwave ovens, just to name a few examples. In fact, by this time, microcomputers, or personal computers, relatively small and inexpensive computers, were becoming even more common in both business and the home. Since the interest in computers is increasing every day, and because tremendous advances are being made so quickly in computer technology, it is often difficult to envision the impact that computers will have in the future.

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