Computers have brought about many changes in language, both in the United states and in other countries. With the invention and use of the computers, an entire new vocabulary has developed-words which describe the computer and its function, or relate to computer technology in some way. Such words include "software", the term used to refer to computer "program". Programs are the instruction that tell the computer what to do. Software is generally contrasted with "hardware", the actual physical parts of the computer system. "Debug" is another term that came into existance with computers. It means to locate and remove all mistakes in a computer program. Other computer related words are not really new, but take on a special meaning in terms of computer. For example, "up" and "down", used in reference to computers, do not signify spatial relationships. Instead the term "up" means that the computer is "up" and working, while the term "down" means the oppsite, that the computer is not functioning and cannot be used. Another example of a word which takes a special meaning in reference to computers is the word "boot". When used to refer to computers, "boot" is not used to mean a kind of shoe. Rather, "boot" is henerally used as a verb. "To boot" a computer means to start it up. Other influences in language brought about by computer technology involve words which have become almost exclusively associated with computers, although they retain their original meanings. One such word is "user". While user really signifies "one who uses something", today it very often refers to a person using computers. Associated with the word "user" is the term "user friendly". This is currently a very popular expression meaning that the computer can be easily understood and operated by non-technical, "non-computer" people. Finally, many terms associated with computers are acronyms. An acronym is a word formed by the first letter or letters of all or some of the parts of a particular expression. Acronyms are very often used instead of the complete expression. Many languages used to program computers are acronyms. For example, the computer language BASIC is the acronym for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. Another example of an acronym is PC, which stands for personal computer.

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