In spite of the tremendous impact computers have made and will continue to make an society, many people do not really understand what a computer is or how it works. In fact, most people may not know much about computers except that using them usually makes their live easier.
In very simple terms, a computer, regardless of it's size, appearance, or cost, is a machine that processes data-facts-electronically. (Data is the plural of datum; however, in common usage, the word data is often used in the singular). Processing data with a computer is relatively new; however, the idea of processing data is not. In general, data processing (DP) can be defined as a series of three steps: 1) the collection or gathering of data; 2) the manipulation or handling of data, and 3) the distribution or sending out of data or information for a particular purpose. Electronic data processing (EDP), therefore, is the collection, manipulation, and distribution of facts by electronic means-by computer. EDP has become the major method of processing in modern society. In fact, it is so common that the general term data processing and the specific idea of electronic data processing have become synonymous and are now used interchangeably.

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